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With its unique culture and scenery, Japan offers lots of stories for the telling. 

Japan also offers complexity, especially when you shoot.​ Without local assistance, it's easy to get lost.

Double Circle Tokyo is here to help you get great results - and have good time in Japan!




​Not getting lost...

More and more people from around the world visit and  shoot in Japan. Why Japan ?  There are many reasons!  Most of them probably stem from the fact that Japan offers a distinct culture, tradition, and landscape

The Japanese archipelago of over 6000 islands existed a closed country for hundreds of years.  This is how Japan developed it's highly sought after uniqueness.  This  could be exactly  what you are after, but at the same time it can make your time shooting in Japan difficult.​  We can tell you that Japan is not a dream place for filmmakers.  Getting a  "yes"  to a seemingly simple request often involves a labyrinth of e-mails and phone calls.  As a hierarchical culture, requests are brought to superiors for final approvals and this takes time.  

But don't worry!

We are here to provide exactly this kind of support.  

Eventually after initial customary processes that we will facilitate, you will be working alongside typically honest, reliable and hard working people. Once a relationship is established, you might even find people carrying your equipment or inviting your crew for dinner - true story!

​The main reason for getting lost in Japan is its distinct code of communication.  As a high-context society, you will rarely get straight answer.  A "no" will most often not be made obvious and sometimes the logic is hard to follow.  At Double Circle Tokyo, we are accustomed to how things work here, while understanding how you operate.

Our goal is to get 100% of your needs met and we work hard for this. We read situations carefully and resolve ambiguity for our clients.  With our assistance, you won't get lost in Japan!

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